Monday, March 7, 2011

House Tour: Main Spaces

FINALLY! Here is the start of a tour of our home in pictures, as promised. This post shows you the exterior, the entry, living room, dining area and kitchen of our new home.


Dining area

This is what you see as you walk in-dining area in front of you, living room to the direct right and kitchen.


This is a good shot of the main area upstairs, taken from the dining room. You can see the kitchen, living room and front door.


This shot was taken from the living room, facing the kitchen. The doorway on the left is to the hall and the banister on the right overlooks the stairs to the basement.


We use our kitchen A LOT. It's nice to have a space that's open to the living and dining areas. It's nice for all of us to be able to chat (there's 4 people living here now-two couples) and for whoever is cooking to be able to get involved in the conversation as well.

I'm so happy with our new house! I have lots more to share, I just didn't want to overwhelm you in one post:)

Rachel May