Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh about those February goals?

You may remember that I had goals for February, then fell off the face of the planet. Was that one of my goals? Heck no! Now I have to fess up to the blog. Here's how I did for February:

I wanted to have 3 goals a month, because there are 3 areas in my life that I think I could always improve upon-Personal, Home, and Business.

Personal: In bed by 10:00pm, up @ 6:00am.
Outcome: Goal edited! Now it's in bed by 11, up by 7...which I haven't been doing to the letter, but I'm making progress.

Start Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure.
For February, complete weeks 1-4 (of 8).
Outcome: Ouch. I did week 1 religiously, then I got to the kitchen part...where you have to clean your kitchen from top to bottom...and I hesistated...for the rest of the month. I'm not sure if this will stay on the goals list or not. I was thinking of changing this more towards one room at a time-cleaning, coming up with a new layout, redesigning, painting, etc.

Create a schedule and realistic goals.
Outcome: I did create a schedule, but I haven't stuck to it. My new schedule is to create new items for my Etsy site on the weekends and photograph them, then during the week I will post new items, renew, update bookkeeping, etc. That hasn't been fully implemented, but it looks as though it will be successful.

I'll embellish on each of these as well as progress throughout the month.
Outcome: I lied! Now I have to add a goal: Be a Better Blogger.

Sheesh. This is a rough post.

Rachel May