Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

After a jam-packed weekend, I have lots to share. First, I give you-Taste of Colorado.

Every Labor Day, people gather in downtown Denver to buy tickets and purchase overpriced food-and it's totally worth it. It's such a fun day. The boy and I went on Saturday and met a friend there. Tickets were $5 for 8, so we purchase $25 worth (40 tickets). We proceeded to walk around and calculate what we could get for our alotted tickets (we didn't want any of them to go to waste).

We ended up buying beef brisket sandwiches from a barbeque place-pretty good, not awesome. Then we had to decide what else we wanted-I got an ice cream cone-the boy got Sausage on a Stick. Fun for hours, folks-lots of laughs. I would post some of those pictures, but I don't think I want the boy to be posted on the internets like that-it might give you the wrong impression.

We spent the remainder of the time walking around and enjoying the sites (the first picture is one booth-they were playing "grill hero" or "grill band," I can't remember-check out those giant spatulas!) and trying to figure out how to take pictures in the dark. It was a ton of fun.

How was your Labor day weekend?

Rachel May