Friday, September 24, 2010

Adventure: Hanging Lake

Boyfriend, his mom and I went on a hike yesterday to Hanging Lake. If you live in CO or you're visiting, I highly recommend going here. It.Was. Amazing. This is what you see as you're walking to the trailhead (you don't hike this part, this is just the background..but really? Beautiful!).

Boyfriend took some amazing shots. I named him photographer for the day. I was the lens cap assistant (very important role, don't you know...).

I spotted this little guy moseying up the hiking trail. We helped him to the side, so he wouldn't get injured by any hasty hikers. Isn't he the coolest Halloween caterpillar ever? Boyfriend says he's seen them before, but this was a first for me-very cool.

And since the girls over at the Fancy Tiger blog were talking about seeing some elf houses in Iceland, I thought I'd share with them that those elves must vacation in Colorado. Here's proof! True to their Icelandic nature, they like staying at a place with ice-cold lakes. Makes sense.

And this is what everyone hikes to see: Hanging Lake.

Nuff said.

Even more pictures tomorrow, some with crafts! Stay tuned!

Rachel May