I thought I should start out simple, so here's a bedroom image from Dwell Studio that I've seen floating around the internet. Don't you just love the colors of that bedding?

My work:
Once I started drawing the inspiration image, I realized just how much I wanted to slide the lamp a little to the right so that picture frame wasn't hanging over the edge-does that bother you too?
My sketch is even simpler than the actual image. I think I'll go in later and add some texture and stripes, maybe even render it. Right now it's a decent line work drawing for rendering (do you know what rendering is? It's like realistic coloring), just a little plain.

What do you think? Do you like sketching? If so, I'd love to see your work! Send me a link or comment below.
Please don't steal my sketches for your blog or other use without permission. Thanks!
Rachel May